黄政民 Hwang Jung-min 郑雨盛 Jung Woo-sung 李星民 Lee Sung-min 朴海俊 Park Hae-joon 金成均 Kim Sung-kyun
Jeon Doo-Gwang (Hwang Jung-Min) is the commander of the Defense Security Command and founder of the secret military club Hanahoe. Over a period of 9 hours on December 12, 1979 in Seoul, South Korea, Jeon Doo-Gwang leads the '12.12 Military Insurrection' and orders the arrest of a general without the authorization from the president. Lee Tae-Shin (Jung Woo-Sung), who is a commander of the Capital Security Command, stands against the military insurrection.
1979年10月26日,时任韩国总统的朴正熙被自己的亲信射杀,局势顿时波谲云诡。为调查此事,陆军保安司令官全斗光(黄政民 饰)被任命为联合调查总部部长,而这个天生反骨的男人趁机扩大自己的势力,拉帮结伙,培植亲信,狼子野心昭然若揭。为了夺制全斗光,参谋长任命将军李泰信(郑雨盛 饰)被任命为首尔警备司令,以防时局突变。与此同时,全斗光意识到来自他的威胁,于是纠集亲信秘密远播指战长,试图在下手为强。谁曾想想的人马早有戒备,在未能逼迫代总统签署逮捕令之前便兵戎相向。成王败寇,一旦失败就会成为韩国的叛国者。一不做二不休的全斗光决意性梭常而起。而孤军奋战的李泰信,索承最朴素的信仰与叛军展开对抗……
Language : Korean
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 1
Region Code : All / Worldwide
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