
Bright Eyes in the Dark 他从火光中走来 HD Recording China TV Drama DVD Subtitle English Chinese



Bright Eyes in the Dark 他从火光中走来 HD Recording China TV Drama DVD Subtitle English Chinese

Product Details

黄景瑜 Huang Jingyu 张婧仪 Zhang Jingyi 张凌赫 Zhang Linghe 唐晓天 Tang Xiaotian 吴刚 Wu Gang 王子奇 Wang Ziqi

林陆晓拥有过人的消防技巧和丰富的消防经验,是北浔市特勤一站站长。因缘际会下,他被选中成 了一档旨在科普消防知识的真人节目的教官。在节目中林陆骁偶遇自己多年前从火场中救下的舞蹈演员南初。 南初对林陆骁充满好感,但林陆骁却因深知自己职业的危险而不愿靠近。年轻而勇敢的新一代消防员如邵一 九、秦十全等崭露头角,从国外带回先进装备技术的楼明冶也回到了消防队。老中青三代消防员们在火灾、 地震、空中救援等灾情救援中通力合作,将北浔市的消防安全水平提升了一个台阶。南初与林陆晓也在逐渐 深入了解中确定了自己的心意,面临最危险的森林火灾,林陆晓与他的队友们依然选择逆火前进。

Lin Lu Xiao possesses exceptional firefighting skills and extensive experience. He is the head of the Special Operations Station on Heping Road in Beixun City. By a twist of fate, he is chosen to become an instructor for a reality show aimed at promoting firefighting knowledge. During the show, Lin Lu Xiao coincidentally encounters Nan Chu, a dancer he had rescued from a fire years ago. Nan Chu develops a fondness for Lin Lu Xiao, but he keeps his distance due to the inherent dangers of his profession. The young and courageous new generation of firefighters, such as Shao Yi Jiu and Qin Shi Quan, as well as Lou Mingye, who brings advanced equipment technology from abroad, have also returned to the fire department. The firefighters of different generations collaborate in rescue operations involving fires, earthquakes, and aerial rescues, raising the level of fire safety in Beixun City. As Nan Chu and Lin Lu Xiao gradually deepen their understanding of each other, they affirm their feelings. Faced with the most dangerous forest fire, Lin Luxiao and his teammates choose to advance against the flames.

Language : Mandarin
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 7
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.

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