
Psycho-Pass Season 1-3 (Vol.1-41 End) + 4 Movies Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD English Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay



Psycho-Pass Season 1-3 (Vol.1-41 End) + 4 Movies Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD English Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay

Product Details

Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work. Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice.

Psycho-Pass berfokus pada Akane Tsunemori, seorang inspektor polis baru di Unit Satu dari Divisyen Siasatan Penjenayah pada Biro Keselamatan Awam. Akane malu untuk menembak Shinya Kogami, seorang Penegak di bawah pengawasannya ketika ia menilai Kogami sebagai ancaman bagi kehidupan seorang penjenayah yang ditahan. Kogami berterima kasih pada Akane atas campur tangannya pada hal yang menjadikan Kogami seorang pembunuh. Akane didampingi oleh bekas inspektor Nobuchika Ginoza, seorang lelaki yang tegas dalam menga- wasi Penegak; Tomomi Masaoka.

在人类的心理状态和性格倾向都能被数值化的未来。所有的感情、欲望、社会病态心理倾向等全部被记录并管理 ,大众以“好的人生”作为目标,竭力于数值性地实现它。所有的监控摄像头都已经被升级和联网到一体,通过 监视人类的色相浑浊程度和声音、视频等信息用来计算人类的每个心理状态和个性倾向所衡量的值,通称:(即 片名:心理测量者PSYCHO-PASS),它被用作判定人们的思想应有PSYCHO-PASS状态、个人精神本身。通过计算这 些数值,系统可以自主断定一个人最理想的工作,感情,心理压力,甚至犯罪意图。因此,为让大众达到“理想 的人生”这个指标,人们实现这些数值就变得非常积极。

Language : Japanese / English, Japanese (Season 3 & First Inspector
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay
No of Disc: 3
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.

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