Rud is a tank of the Hero's Party and is said to have the highest defense ever in history. The party often does labyrinth raids, but to Rud, it means more than just a raid. To cure his beloved sister's illness, he is in search for the wish-granting treasure that might be hidden in those labyrinths. But one day, the arrogant hero kicks him from the party after an unsuccessful raid attempt, blaming it on his skills whose effects he is still unaware of. With nowhere else to go and nothing to do, he decides to return to his hometown, where his sister is waiting. On his way there, he saves a girl who was being attacked by a monster. Unexpectedly, this girl has an extremely rare skill called "Appraisal."
拥有历代最高体力(护盾)的肉盾,路德为了找寻奇迹秘宝治疗心爱妹妹的病一直以来不断地 攻略迷宫。 不过,所属队伍的勇者个性蛮横,将路德从冒险队伍里面辞退了。原因是路德 身上有个未知技能,勇者宣称这个技能会扯队伍后腿,甚至还说这是一个垃圾技能……………… 不 过最后却证明了那不是垃圾技能,而是一个强悍技能! 凭借着9999护盾与强悍技能于一身 的最强肉盾,路德的第一章冒险故事揭幕! 有历代最高的护盾【9999】的数值的坦克的卢德, 作为勇者派对的盾角色挑战着迷宫攻略。那是为了找出任何愿望都能实现的秘宝,治愈最爱的 妹妹·玛尼西亚的病——。但是由于勇者的蛮横,路德被驱逐出了派对。其理由是路德的“不 能使用的技能”………………。在返回故乡的途中,帮助她的少女发现了路德未知的技能。那是非常强 大的技能!使用【最高值的护盾9999】和【独一无二的技能】的最强坦克·路德的冒险谭—— 。在这里开幕!
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English / Chinese
No of Disc: 1
Region Code : All / Worldwide
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