"Hongo Takeshi tersedar dan mendapati dia telah berubah menjadi cyborg hibrid belalang. Menjadi Kamen Rider, dia mesti melawan organisasi jahat misteri SHOCKER untuk melindungi semua manusia. "SHIN KAMEN RIDER" jalah pujian Anno Hideaki kepada francais Tokusatsu legenda, wira terbesar Jepun, dan ikon zaman kanak-kanak yang paling disayangi. Pergil Pergi! Mari pergi!"complex and the younger brother with the weakest skills begins.
本鄉猛和綠川瑠璃子在開場從 SHOCKER組織逃脫,並接 SHOCKER派出的蜘蛛强化人及低 階成員追,玻璃子被低階成員抓 住,然而本鄉猛變身為蝗蟲強化 Z人,在轉眼間打敗了這些低階成 員救出瑠璃子,並躲進山上的一 間安全屋。玻璃子的父親,亦為 SHOCKER的科學家綠川弘在該 處現身,並透露他已將本鄉猛 改造出全新的身體,成為昆 蟲合成型增殖計畫的傑作, 藉由「氣」的力量[註2]來完成 合成強化人形態的轉變[註3]。 不幸的是,瑠璃子身上早前已 被放置追蹤器,綠川 ●博士隨即遭到循跡而 來的蜘蛛強化人殺害 化為泡沫而死。
College student and motorcycle enthusi- ast Takeshi Hongo is abducted by the evil organization Sustainable Happiness Organization with Computational Knowl-1 edge Embedded Remodeling, otherwise known as "Shocker", and converted into Batta Augment-01 as part of their plans for world domination. Before they can brainwash him to do their bidding, he escapes and uses his new enhanced abilities, renaming himself Kamen Rider, to wage a one-man war against Shocker.
Language : Japanese
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay
No of Disc: 1
Region Code : All / Worldwide
- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.
Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.