
Yakusoku no Neverland Season 1+2 Vol.1-23 End+Live Action Movie Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD English Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay



Yakusoku no Neverland Season 1+2 Vol.1-23 End+Live Action Movie Japanese Cartoon Anime DVD English Dubbed Subtitle English Chinese Malay

Product Details

At Grace Field House, life couldn't be better for the orphans! Though they have no parents, together with the other kids and a kind "Mama" who cares for them, they form one big, happy family. No child is ever overlooked, especially since they are all adopted by the age of 12. Their daily lives involve rigorous tests, but afterwards, they are allowed to play outside.
There is only one rule they must obey: do not leave the orphanage. But one day, two top-scoring orphans, Emma and Norman, venture past the gate and unearth the harrowing secret behind their entire existence. Utilizing their quick-wittedness, the children must work together to somehow change their predetermined fate.

Di Grace Field House, sekumpulan anak yiatim piatu tinggal bersama dengan "Mama" ramah mesra yang menjaga mereka, membentuk sebuah keluarga besar lagi bahagia. Hidup seharian mereka adalah menduduki satu ujian ketat, kemudian bermain di luar secara bebas. Dan mereka akan diangkat sebagai anak angkat sebelum atau pada umur 12 tahun. Namun, hanya ada satu peraturan yang mereka mesti mematuhi: jangan meninggal kawasan rumah anak yiatim. Pada suatu hari, dua orang anak yatim cemerlang, Emma dan Norman, menyeberangi pintu dan ketahui rahsia dahsyat tentang kewujudan mereka. Dengan kebijaksanaan diri mereka, kanak-kanak ini bekerjasama untuk mengubah takdir mereka yang telah ditentukan.

仰慕的母亲并非亲生母亲。一起生活的他们并非兄弟。Grace Field House是没有父母的孩子们居住的地方。虽然没有血缘 关系,但妈妈和38个兄弟都度过了幸福的每一天,这是不可替代的家。但是,他们的日常在某一天突然宣告结束......

Language : Japanese / English TV, Japanese Movie
Subtitles : English / Chinese / Malay
No of Disc: 3
Region Code : All / Worldwide

- 100% Brand New And Sealed unless otherwise stated.
- Locally pressed items are produced by govt certified licensed manufacturer with hologram sticker and b-cert(DVD).
- Imported items are new and sealed with limited quantity in hand.

Remarks : All orders are on first come first serve basis as we sell on multiple marketplaces locally as well as internationally, therefore, order may subject to cancellation (refund will be made) or waiting for replenishment when stock has become unavailable.

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